
CultureTalk for Individuals

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This ring-bound reference deck profiles twelve Archetypes that are often present within individuals and groups. Beautifully illustrated, they quickly capture the strengths and shadows of these timeless characters.


The Culture Conversations card deck includes 12 Archetype character cards and 24 real-life scenarios. Players are each dealt an Archetype card and the dealer than selects a scenario. Players take turns acting out their Archetypal perspective in the selected scenario. Spark new insights as you work to build teams, enhance relationships and work through challenges and change.


A hand-picked assortment of 100 Archetype Buttons. The bundle will include all 12 Archetypes buttons in varying quantities, correspond to how frequently that Archetype scores highly in the Individual Assessment ie. extra Hero buttons. These quantities can also be tailored to your needs.


  • Partner Individual Surveys

    Please select the number of surveys you are ordering. Once we receive your payment, we will add these surveys to your Partner Package Account.
  • Total

    USD $95.00


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